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Coalition of Educators




Manitoba Reggio Inspired Coalition of Educators was founded in 2009.


Our Executive is a dedicated group of Early Years teachers, Early Childhood educators and parents who work together to plan networking events for Manitoba educators interested in growing in a Reggio-Inspired way.




our committee




Pat is the Executive Director of Inspired by Wonder Inc. formerly known as Robertson Early Enrichment Program. She has been a committee member for MB RICE over the last six years. She was a recipient of the 2016-2017 Prime Minister's Award for Excellence in Early Childhood Education as well as a recipient of the Winnipeg Centre MP 150th Anniversary Medal for Volunteerism. She has worked in the early childhood field for over 20 years and as a Child Development Counsellor for ten years. Recently she attended an in-depth study tour in Reggio Emilia, Italy and in 2018 she attended NAREA summer conference in Boston, Massachusetts. She has her Bachelor of Arts degree and her Advanced Diploma in Early Childhood Management. Her passion has always been working with children with additional support needs and having a high image of children.

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Bio coming soon.




Gerrie is the Child Care Coordinator (Director) of River Road Child Care at St.Amant Centre. Gerrie has been involved with Manitoba Reggio Inspired Coalition of Educators since 2009 when the first conference was held in Winnipeg. This experience started her journey in a reflective pedagogical practice. Gerrie has a Bachelors of Arts Degree and an Advance Diploma in the Studies of Special Rights. With the inspiration of the Reggio Emilia approach Gerrie’s work over the past 10 years has been developing, facilitating and implementing the Early Returns: Manitoba’s Early Learning Curriculum Frameworks.  Gerrie continues her own reflective  Reggio journey while saving up to one day be a part of a Reggio study tour in Italy. 




Veronica Green is an Early Childhood Educator and Consultant with 7 years of experience in the early years sector working with children from infancy to school age.  Veronica earned a Bachelor of Physical Education and Diploma in Early Childhood Education and connects these two educational backgrounds in her practice by valuing the need for movement and play for children’s development.  As an Assistant Director for a YMCA early years program she supported her fellow Educators through planning, curating a learning environment and building relationships with the children & parents.   While operating an accredited dayhome in Alberta, Ronnie’s Preschool, she embraced the Reggio Emilia Approach and developed a strong reflective practice that is founded on connecting theory to practice.  During this time Veronica learned about her son’s sensory needs and developed an inclusive practice and passion for advocating for differently wired children.  Now Veronica consults with Educators through online resources including her newsletter, All Things Early Years, that is read by Educators from all over the world.  Her knowledge on theory, loose parts and sensory processing has lead to many opportunities to share her practice with Educators through professional development training online and here locally in Winnipeg at daycares, schools.  When Veronica is not collecting loose parts she is playing with her son getting messy and soaking up as much family time as possible.




Michelle Vesey is an Early Childhood Educator III.  She has been working in the childcare field since the mid-90s during which time she has held a variety of front line ECE positions as well as administrative roles.  She has worked in infant, preschool, nursery school and school-age program settings.  In 2013, Michelle was the recipient of the Prix de reconnaissance en direction for her work as a French childcare centre director. Always interested in learning, Michelle has
attended conferences about the Reggio Emilia approach across Canada. She looks forward to one day attending a study tour in Italy. Currently, Michelle is an instructor in Early Childhood
Education program at Université de Saint-Boniface and has been a member of the Manitoba Reggio Inspired Coalition of Educators since 2014.


We believe that the learning environment is co-constructed through the insights, wonderings, reflections, questions, experiences and understandings of both children and adults in community.The Manitoba Reggio Inspired Coalition of Educators' mission is to extend invitations and design opportunities to further explore the philosophy and supporting practices of the Reggio Emilia experience within a Manitoba context.


Manitoba Reggio Inspired Coalition of Educators​​


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